Table of Contents
Greg Giesekam "Introduction," in Staging the Screen, p. 1-26,
The Wooster Group
David Savran, "Introduction: Writing History," "Part I: Route 1 & 9," "Part III: L.S.D. (...Just the High Points)" in Breaking the Rules, p. 1-46, 169-220 (PDF)
Arnold Aronson, "The Wooster Group as Cartographers," in Looking into the Abyss, p. 171-81 (reserve book)
Greg Giesekam, "Chap 4: Postmodern Collage: The Wooster Group," in Staging the Screen, p. 80-115 (reserve book)
Andrew Quick, "Introduction," "House/Lights," and "Only Pragmatics?," in The Wooster Group Workbook, p. 8-15, 214-219, 269-75. Please view pages 166-213 in the physical book - photos, note pages, etc. relating to the production. (reserve book)
The Builders Association
Greg Giesekam, "Chap 6: Live Films on Stage: The Builders Association" in Staging the Screen, p. 142-175 (reserve book)
Maurya. Wickstrom, “Data Bodies and the Awesome Apparatus of Technology,” PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 28, no. 2 (2006) p. 95-102.
Nick Kaye, "The Presence Project: The Builders Association" at the site Architectures of Presence
On DVDs in the DML
- Wooster Group's House/Lights
- Builder's Association Alladeen and Supervision
Builders Association Media Page
Motivator Post and Images
Motivator 1:
Motivator 2: